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Passage - Into the Heart of Resilience
In this exhibition, eight women tell their stories of displacement, and share keepsakes and poems.
Exclusive stories from behind the wire of young girls in Australian detention, the "Kids off Nauru" freedom fighters. 
A young Afghan girl who choose to dress as a boy so that she could go to school, now an international peace speaker and Young Australian of the Year.
Another the wife of a war lord fleeing with her children, another a successful business women trafficked in Europe by a crime syndicate. Two elite fighters tell their stories of capture and escape, another young girl born into the international intelligence world as a captive child and taught to live in the shadows.
Finally the story of an Australian Indigenous elder who was part of the 'stolen generation'.
All the women faced incredibly difficult circumstances and for some, time in captivity, others have refugee stories, but all found places where only courage brought them through and resilience a place of heart and mind that kept them safe in the face of adversity. 

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