Faith so big, or faith so small.
I have a way to fulfil them all
Every desire your heart can dream,
Will find full and perfect expression in me.
For I am the creator of hearts and minds
I know your thoughts, I know your times
I am he who knows you,
For I am he who formed you,
Even when you were in your mothers womb
There in the darkness,
I saw you
Just as I call each star by name
To take their place
In my universe of grace
In my mind, and in my plan
I call you out
Into a spacious land
I will put you in a secure place
Held forever by my embrace
Secured in identity,
Secured in destiny,
Secured in liberty.
Secured by grace
Faith is your ability to hear me
Heart to heart begin to know me,
This heart of faith is a heart that pleases me
For it's in this place I give you a new reality
So come away with me
To a place I know
And in my truth there you will grow
Come spend some time
And you will see
For I have everything you need

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