Sometimes its hard to find that place of inspiration!
If you are struggling in a place of no creativity, it can be tough. I've been there many times. Warding off discouragement and procrastination can feel like the main event at times. Creative blocks are difficult to budge.
Know you're not alone and there's nothing wrong with you. It's normal and you are ok. And yes, you are creative. Getting started is the hardest part of the creative process.
To get the flow flowing, starting with just 'a little'.
Nothing serious, nothing profound or grand.
Just a little is enough for now!

Here are some of the tricks I've found to help me.
It's all in the set-up, how a little ritual can pave the way...
This concept of creating ritual I've found to be very successful.
The mind loves to feel prepared and so the little things help.
Starting with a cup of tea.
A small poem or verse.
An incense burner.
A prayer, mediation or stretch.
A favourite song on your ukelele.
Can you think of something? ..yes, that one!
All of these little things are ideas that help to build positive associations with the act of creating and trigger the mind to shift gears into creativity...because you've told it that it's time to create!
Creating rituals can be a key for those who suffer badly from self sabotage, performance anxiety or creative blocks. But read on...
See Creative Flow - Part 2

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