Are you the curious type?
Intrigue is the greatest ally to productivity. And thinking like a kid is the fastest way to find this attitude!
Rediscover inner joy by letting curiosity drive your art time. Ponder and play!
I find a consistently good way to approach a new project cycle is to take a little look around.
This will help to release the pressure to recreate exactly what you see. Begin to hear your internal voice of wonder and intrigue. Become like a little child again and simply catch yourself responding to the visual stimulation.
I had an art lecturer that would constantly remind his students, "you can't create in a vacuum", you must learn to see what others don't see. Follow your curiosity and listen, allow your eye to discover and ask yourself, "what do I see here", "what am I drawn to".
Take a little look through some boutique shops or through some magazines. Homewares, gardens, lifestyle or nature magazines are perfect for this.
Allow your art to choose you!
What colours are attracting you?
How do you feel? Bold, subtle, moody, playful?
What styles are speaking through all the noise? Harmonised, unusual, minimal, busy?
What would you like to work with? Textures, small detailed objects like beads and papers, big brushes, sepia prints?
Sometimes getting specific can help you find your vein of gold quicker...limiting your palette to two or three colours can often spark new ideas or force you to try new ways of applying your medium.
Now give it a go with all the enthusiasm of a little one!
For more art & recent exhibitions, take a wander around the website or follow me on instagram @lorissamanners
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