Creativity is built on moments...
Another great way to get your ideas and your hands working together is to start to collect! This works because you don't have to decide yet what you'll do, it's part of the getting ready phase. For me, collecting shells is perfect, because I've always found the beach to be so inspiring. Magazine cut-outs, collecting flowers on a walk, collecting teas to choose from, are all creatively inspired acts that bring your awareness to opportunity, and help you find your place in the moments that lead to creative expression.
When you draw things to yourself its a way of allowing yourself to be present in the moment and it also takes away any feelings of "I don't have" or "I can't". Two of the biggest creativity killers. Negative thoughts subside because collecting is the process of filling.
Abundance and creativity are intrinsically linked and the one naturally paves the way for the other. next steps in the creative process, which is arranging and responding to physical stimuli. Now you can actually start because you have the raw ingredients to work with. It's also easy to go from one creative endeavour to another once your in the flow.
I hope this helps next time you feel daunted by the idea of starting something new...

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