Can you find what you seek in a wizard or a sheik?
Will you set a place at your table for a lier or a thief?
Can you linger in the closet, full of spiders webs?
Can you set up your advantage with My name as your defence?
I ask for your allegiance in a world of crime and self acclaim
Will you harken to My Spirit, or strip me of My fame?
Will you bring the gift of service or deny Me to my face?
For you are the one with choices
And I AM the one true Name
An honest prayer for help:
Lord, forgive us for seeking things outside of you.
Deliver us from the evil that would seek to destroy our souls.
Reveal every wrong idea that we have collected and held onto as we've walked through the mire of confused teachings, commercialism and sources of false power and magic.
Restore to us the joy of our salvation. Grant us peace.
We acknowledge that what you can offer is our deliverance from all deception as you guide us into truth.
Teach us to walk in harmony with you, as our guide and teacher and may we abide in your love and grace forever.
His promise:
Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest . Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. - Mathew 11:28-30

The resting place
Is a deep embrace
The place where
The mind is refreshed
Wisdom is known
The heart believes
The soul is satisfied
By rivers cool and sweet I lead
By the soft green grass
Is a resting place for you
I will restore, I will refresh
I will guide - your hand in mine
For I am He who gives you rest.