When I call you to come
I call you to truth
I call you to hear
I call with my heart - 'Do not fear'
I stay in your heart
If I'm given place there
To talk to my child
To grieve every tear
To heal every wound
To still every fear
Can you feel what you do not know?
Do you know of the truth
Do you know that I care
My Word speaks to you
Will you value it there?
Placed in your heart
In a way that it stays
I can't do this for you
Its a choice that you make
Will you come
Will you stay
Will you speak words of truth
My words will bring life
To the toughest of days
If you stay in My heart
I will give you the grace
To dislodge fear from its place
And replace it with faith
- Master of Fear Replacement
God of Grace

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