You wore the helmet
You held the sword
You've got blood on your hands
It got real
It got personal
The scars are there
To prove one thing -
You fought
You fought hard
And you lost much
Your head hurts
And your heart aches
Did victory come easy?
Did fate blow its horn?
And wrestle from you
Your last hope of dawn
Did the night stretch on
The hours appear
To be drenched in tears
In wounds and in fears
Nothing can change now
The state of affairs
What has happened
Is done and remains in the soul
As regret or as fear
For there's nothing that helps
At the end of the line
When battle has gone
But the wounds carry on
Into another place of the mind
Like a shadow, or mist
Grey and bleak,
That constantly reminds
Of your time on the field
Of memories there
That hold you in chains
And drain you of time
The wounded warrior
Is the name for you
Because you made it through
But now the war - has you
What can make it better?
What can heal for all time?
Replace the memories
Reframe the the mind
Lay it down
Bring the fear
Give the memories here
I have time to go through
All that's tugging at you
You fought well
You changed much
And the victory now
Is the part where I clear
The troubling mind
I have peace for the fear
A place for the wrong's
I know how it feels
When the battle is long
And you can't see your way
Through the mountain of pain
And your buffeted by
Identity shame
You don't have to be better
Than you are right now
You don't have to give more
Than you gave in that hour
There's a way to work through
The guilt and the shame
There's a way to get back, the taken, the slain
I'm the God of the Kingdoms
All things are by me
I hold the key
To death and Hades
I know the living
And I know the dead
I am the God
Who's blood was shed
So lay it down here
At the cross
Where in pain
I gave it all up
And carried the shame
For I know how it feels
To loose all that I love
And I know how it feels
In the lonely hours
Where the head hurts
And the heart aches
And all is lost
Trade your pain
Trade your shame
Trade your name
For a better place
On victory day

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