Hear the call to come... Come with your hopes, your dreams, your struggles, your prayers, and your anxious thoughts, to find rest... Rest in the beauty, truth, and freedom of your life in His love. Love is calling and your heart knows the rhythms of His grace. Your Heavenly Father longs for time with you. Can you feel your heart within urging you to risk it all and take your place
In these final hours of earth's history, will you be ready for your call and his Second Coming. It is your time...
This blog is purposed to bring enlightenment to your call and destiny, to restore your soul, to deck you out with everything you need in faith, so you can 'stand' with courage and devotion, in these times of great change. The fight of faith is the real answer to the real circumstances that you face.
You're invited.

For more art & recent exhibitions, take a wander around the website or follow me on instagram @lorissamanners
For more art, and art sales find Lorissa Manners artist profile: